The last time I posted here, I was ~two and half years younger.

It feels good to be back.

Most of you (classic phrase of Social Media influencers and Youtubers), have been asking for updates on Stan, my life tales, my take on a few factors that make a beautiful life and everything in between.

Here we are, and again- it feels good to be back. 

The last time we were on these streets of The Diary of a Beautiful Life, we talked about staying woke. I have stayed woke in the last two and half years and I hope you have too. 

One thing however has remained constant, my love for love, passion to write, sharing my thoughts and experiences and engaging with those that love short lovely tales filled with love and good vibes. 

I am back to share my diary of a beautiful life with you. Explore and experience life with you. Enjoy the surprises of a beautiful life. And grow spiritually together. 

Get your cappuccino, hot chocolate, whisky- whatever your P0!$0∩ is, and join me on this journey dubbed – Diary of a beautiful Life.



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